INSPIRATIONS: 2021 Biennial Juried Exhibition

Hawaiʻi Handweavers' Hui and The Glass Fusion Collective

September 29, 2021 - October 15, 2021

Downtown Art Center, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi

Juror Suzi Ballenger

Hawaiʻi State Foundation on Culture and the Arts

HSFCA Recognition Awards

  • The Forgotten Coverlet of 1862 by Ghislaine Chock
  • Surf Rising I by Lynn Martin-Graton
  • Symmetry by Joan Namkoong

The Hawaiʻi Handweavers’ Hui is excited to partner with the Glass Fusion Collective in the joint exhibit “Inspirations." Though two very different mediums, both rely on color as one of the main components. The venue of the Downtown Art Center is an inspiration in itself as the space has windows along one side allowing for natural light to interact with the pieces.

Juror Statement for Hawaiʻi Handweavers' Hui

"Inspiration is formally defined by various dictionaries*as: An unconscious burst of creativity; Growth of energy or spiritual power; An ability to form mental images of things that are not physically present or have never been conceived of; The “in-breath”. (*Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Oxford Languages Dictionary,,

The tactile language of fiber is an exceptional metaphor for responses to inspiration. Presenting a subtle concept in physical form requires a creative understanding from the artist that also encourages the viewer to look deeply at what excites them personally. This sense of freedom can be translated as color, material, pattern, structure, simplicity, or extraordinary/out-of-the-box technique. The most moving and visually engaging textile/fiber art presents a strong narrative seamlessly connected with technique. It is hoped that these works will catch your in-breath, spur ideas and stimulate further responses."

Suzi Ballenger

Handweavers Guild of America

Inspirations: 2021 Biennial Juried Exhibition  

Hawaiʻi Handweavers' Hui, Glass Fusion Collective

Inspirations Juror Walk Through with Suzi Ballenger

Hawaiʻi Handweavers' Hui

Invited Artist Reiko Brandon

“I believe good art should be able to stand for itself without any explanation. Rather than merely entertain with a concept or ride a current trend, art should convey the artist’s own vision and inner spirit that are crystallized in good workmanship and good design. To me, being a visual artist is an incredibly self- oriented, private, lonely profession. It takes guts, patience, hard work, and honesty. As an artist you must communicate from your own heart with utmost sincerity and conviction.”

Reiko Brandon, from her Art Maui Juror Statement, 2006

A Presentation on Inspirations Exhibition with Invited Artist Reiko Mochinaga Brandon

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Tusher Architectural
Ghislaine Chock
"Sunlight through Boundaries"
Wool, linen

Honolulu Star Advertiser

October 10, 2021

Copyright 2024 - Hawaiʻi Handweavers' Hui - All Rights Reserved




Oʻahu, Maui and Hawaiʻi Island

Address:  MAP

Hawaiʻi Handweavers' Hui, 

Downtown Art Center,

1041 Nuʻuanu Ave, Second Floor,

Honolulu, HI 96817




Hawaiʻi Handweavers' Hui is a founding member of the Downtown Art Center.

Hawaiʻi Handweavers' Hui is supported in part by the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts.

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