This Month's Topic: Hui member and teacher Linda Hee will give a slide show and talk about her recent textile trip to Bhutan. There will be a general overview of scenery, travel and culture with emphasis on weaving and dyeing. Other textile arts will be touched on and articles will be available to view. If you received an item from Bhutan at our holiday luncheon, please bring it as well to show.
From 2:00-3:00 pm the event is a general meeting for Hui members. From 3:00-5:00 pm the event is open to the public. Please join us!
Note: This month we will meet on Sunday January 12. Unless noted otherwise, we meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
Fiber Fundays are a time to share fiber arts travel experiences, projects, stories, and show and tell. (Goodies may also be involved.) The first hour of the meeting is a time for brief Hui business and/or announcements and for members to share work - yes, please bring your lovely, whimsical, creative fiber crafts to show off! There are refreshments, before opening to the public for a presentation or activity at 3. Feel free to bring a beverage in a closed container.
Is there a certain topic you want to learn more about? Please contact Barbara Long to schedule a presentation, make topic suggestions, or ask questions. We look forward to getting together to share and learn!

Useful Links:
Kalihi-Pālama Public Library Map and Information
Please be advised that the library must be approached by driving mauka up Kalihi Street from about King Street. It is a quick right turn off Kalihi if you approach from the freeway. If missed, you will need to make a big loop around to retry. Please check your driving app for best directions.